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Title: The Jedi Lawyer is Paving the way for a New Breed of Lawyers

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Facts: The mental wellbeing of legal practitioners has become a source of concern for many in recent times. Based on the investigations of the American Bar Association in recent times, a lot of lawyers have been indicated as unhappy.

The founder Jedi Steve is not an Attorney or Legal mind, He is just Compassionate about a Greater Good with Happy Healthy Jedi Lawyer's Leading the way.

Issue: Why are so many Lawyers depressed or unhappy?

Rule: Lawyers who have experienced mild or higher levels of depression have been estimated to be 28%, while 19% have been estimated to experience various forms of anxiety. The research also indicated that 23% of lawyers have gone through chronic stages of stress, and 20.6% have a problem with alcohol consumption. 
Analysis: One of the strongest characters an individual can inculcate into his/her lifestyle is Meditation. Meditation will assist individual control stress, bring down the level of blood pressure, and it will assist one to act accordingly in different scenarios.

Conclusion: The synergistic effect of meditating is that one becomes a lawyer who is successful and also enjoys what he/she is doing.

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