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What we’re about

Medway Language Café is a monthly meetup for language learners based in the Medway area. Whether you've recently arrived in the UK and are looking to improve your English or you want connect with learners of other languages such as French, Spanish and Mandarin, this group is for you.

At Medway Language Café, you'll have the chance to mingle with other language learners from a range of cultural backgrounds in small groups. You'll have the opportunity to improve your language skills and learn about other cultures in a relaxed and friendly environment, while making new friends and connections.

Our group is also ideal for recent arrivals to the UK who are looking to make links to the local community and learn about British culture. We aim to cultivate a welcoming atmosphere where everyone is able to share and learn.

The Medway Language Café takes place on the first Thursday of each month from 1830-2030 at The Moat House Coffee Shop. There are a variety of drinks and cakes on offer for you to enjoy as you chat with your fellow language learners.

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