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Let's explore Wilsons Promontory over a long weekend

Photo of Rowan T
Hosted By
Rowan T. and Annie L.
Let's explore Wilsons Promontory over a long weekend


About the event
Join us for a Spring weekend getaway in Wilsons Promontory in 2024, following our group's recent adventures in Beechworth, the Grampians, and Lorne! Remember to book your own accommodation!

As this event includes hiking and differs from our usual gatherings, we want to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience. Please take note of the following important disclosures and recommendations:

  • We highly encourage all attendees to have sufficient ambulance and health insurance to cover potential medical emergencies. Despite taking all necessary precautions, accidents may still happen.
  • All activities during the event are at your own risk. The organisers are not liable for any personal injuries or damage/loss of personal belongings.
  • Any travel arrangements, including carpooling, are at your own risk.

By attending this event, participants acknowledge that they have been informed of these disclosures and suggestions.

While we do not organise high-risk activities, we reserve the right to modify or cancel events if we identify risks, such as extreme weather conditions. The safety and well-being of our members remain our top priority, and we aim to ensure a fun, stress-free, and secure weekend for all.

DRAFT SCHEDULE (there may be future changes)
Friday 11 October
12pm Meet at Fish Creek - Location TBC
2pm: Check-in to your accommodation
3.30pm: Loo-Errn Track & Tidal River Footbridge Googlemap
6pm Dinner - Fish Creek Hotel: 1 Old Waratah Rd, Fish Creek VIC 3959 (15 mins from Yanakie) Googlemap
7.29pm Sunset - location TBC
8.30pm Astro (if clear skies)- Location TBC

Saturday 12 October
6am Meet at Red Bluff Googlemap
6.32 am Sunrise at Red Bluff
8.00am Breakfast - Location TBC
9.30am Mount Oberon Summit Walk - meet at Telegraph Saddle Carpark Googlemap
1pm Lunch break
3pm Darby River (from Darby River car park) & Darby Beach & Fairy Cove Googlemap
4pm Whisky Bay Googlemap & Picnic Bay Googlemap
5pm Squeaky Beach Googlemap
6pm Dinner - Fosters Exchange Hotel: 43 Main St, Foster (17 mins from Yanakie) Googlemap
7.30pm Sunset - Location TBC
8.30pm Astro (if clear skies), - Location TBC

Sunday 13 October
6 am Meet at Stockyard Camp, Meeniyan-Promontory Rd, Wilsons Promontory VIC 3960 Googlemap
6.30am Sunrise at Big Drift Googlemap
9 am Brunch - Location TBC
10.30am Cotters Lake and Beach Googlemap
11.30am Prom Wildlife Walk Googlemap
1pm Event ends

Please note that meal (breakfast and/or dinner) options have not been finalised at this stage, as we will confirm details closer to the event when booking. We highly encourage everyone to join us for a group dinner, which will be a great opportunity for everyone to connect and enjoy the weekend together. More details on this will be provided soon.

Additional Notes

  • Bring plenty of water to stay hydrated during the hikes.
  • Wear comfortable walking or hiking shoes.
  • Don’t forget sunscreen.
  • Parking may be limited in some areas. We recommend carpooling as we move between locations.
  • We will aim to avoid driving through the national park area at night due to wildlife being active on the roads.

Camera Gear Suggestions

  • Camera
  • Lenses for landscape/astro
  • Tripod
  • Filters
  • Extra Batteries

In case there is no Wi-Fi/Data reception, please make sure to have a copy of this map saved or printed

If you're new to astrophotography, this guide covers essential camera settings, must-have gear, and provides links to a few introductory YouTube videos to help you get started.

Look forward to having you join us.

Rowan and Annie

Photo of The Melbourne Walk and Shoot Group group
The Melbourne Walk and Shoot Group
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