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What we’re about

We are a secular, interspiritual committee, comprised of people from throughout the Inland Empire region of Southern California who follow many positive, life affirming, Earth-Centered spiritual faiths and secular traditions, commonly classified as "Neo-Pagan."

These include, but are not limited to, Living Wicca, Nordic Asatru, Celtic Druidism and Native American theologies. As a Civic Organization, we seek to enrich our community and to serve Neo-Pagan families and folk by providing open, public celebrations marking the many special occasions of our religious calendar, which honor the changing of the Seasons. These celebrations create a forum for interaction and networking between members of neighboring communities while additionally heightening general public awareness and teaching tolerance.

We also provide a mechanism to solemnize weddings, handfasts, and other life event ceremonies as an alternative to more traditional, non-secular ceremony.

I started this group after a former, atheist GF who had been celebrating Christmas all her life, was now, instead celebrating Yule. After doing some research, I began celebrating Yule in 2023 and started this group to replace a very similar group which had grown dormant for over a year. I've since expanded my practice to observe the Celtic Calendar, which seems appropriate being of Irish decent.

I'll try to plan meetups and ritual for
Imbolc (Feb 2)
Ostara (March 20-23)
Beltane (May 1)
Litha--Midsummer (June 20-23)
Lughnasadh (Aug 1)
Mabon (Sept 20-23,)
Samhain (Oct 31,) and all seven days of
Yule (Winter solstice through Jan 1)

Days of celebration will adjust around weekends and traditional holidays to permit more people who work weekdays to attend.

Your input for these, and other events is strongly encouraged.

Most, if not all of these events will involve food of some sort.

We NEED an assistant organizer to avoid the same fate with which the earlier carnation of this group's manifestation met.

On a personal note, I've officiated two, secular weddings and several handfasts, as well as other, esoteric, secular ceremonies.