What we’re about
What we are about:
We are a friendship group of people from all walks of life sharing common interests of live music, dancing and other social activities. It's simply all about bringing happiness into our lives!
Welcome to OMG and thanks so much for stopping by to check us out.
We are a social group open to all adult ages. We like meeting new people of diverse backgrounds and interests. We are non-judgemental and love to have a mix of age groups at our events.
We welcome people who share our common interests in the enjoyment of live music, dancing, dining out, having friendly conversations, or just plain having fun. We also welcome people who like to get dressed, travel, and attend different events - whether free or ticketed, on the Central Coast and the surrounds.
Joining and membership with our group is FREE. We however expect our members to conduct themselves, be courteous to fellow members and conform to social norms at all our events.
Note that not all requests for membership will be granted; and that your membership is subject to regular review by the Organiser. If you are interested in joining, or wish to express to remain in our group, please get in touch with the Organiser, Event Co-ordinator or Host.
We conduct ourselves professionally, and aim to look after our members well. If you have particular type of events, preference for dining format, or get-together activities - please drop us a note to tell us. We value your feedback.
1. The OMG Group has been set up as a not for profit group. We do not charge for being members of this group.
2. The OMG Leadership Team, comprising the Organiser, Event Co-ordinators, and Event Hosts, are drawn from our membership. They serve and work on a voluntary basis for the benefit of the members.
3. Please note the Leadership Team is not obliged to host the events, nor reserve/book tables or seats for its members. Any benefit gained from being a member of the OMG group should therefore be treated as a privilege and not a right.
4. All members, must behave themselves in a socially acceptable manner at all OMG events. Personal harassment of others will not be tolerated, and excessive drinking of alcohol and smoking in public are strongly discouraged. We aim to provide a safe, happy and enjoyable environment for all its members.
5. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse or cancel membership of the OMG Group at his discretion. Legitimate reasons can include unacceptable social behaviour in public, complaints received from others, or non-conformance with the rules for membership of OMG.
6. In order to properly manage the number of people attending OMG events, we prefer that your invited guests join OMG beforehand. This will help readily identify attendees (including members coming as guests) at our functions.
Generally, for events that table bookings are made, we would allow members to bring along a guest with an RSVP '+1' for his/her visit. We would then expect the same guest to join OMG before attending future events. Note: One should not join if he/she is not happy with how OMG is being run, or could not abide by our rules.
Please note that it is necessary to register yourself with the Meetup organisation, and be familiar on how to use the Meetup App. Get a friend to show you if unsure.
For those who then wish to join OMG please provide a proper photo of yourself (and not your family pet) so that we can readily identify you at our functions.
Please update the status on list of 5 question your OMG personal profile to indicate that you you are still an active member if you have not already done so.
Please RSVP your attendance asap, preferably at least 7 days before event. A cap on the number of people attending will be placed on certain events to lessen overcrowding.
7. If you are unable to attend an event, you will need to update your RSVP status preferably 2 days prior to event. This will give an opportunity for others who have been waitlisted to attend. For those who do not attend while still registered to Attend, they will automatically be registered as 'no-show' by Meetup.
- Table reservations. At indoor events, the Event Hosts will try to reserve a table, with seating to match the number of people RSVP'ed to attend.
Attention is drawn to the fact that there are instances where venues' proprietors do not allow advance reservation of tables. As such, members are advised to arrive early and help secure a table for fellow members. Always observe the venues' terms and conditions for patronage, entry and table booking requirements.
9. Where events are posted as Unhosted, (for instance when members of the leadership team are unavailable), members are encouraged to help each other co-host the event by recognising fellow members and introducing themselves on arrival. Look up member photos and communicate using the chat facilities in the Meetup app.
10. The Organiser, at his discretion, reserves the right to Cancel an event any time prior to the event. Note there is no point in the Team putting time and effort in organising events that may end up being cancelled due to lack of interest, or insufficient number of people attending certain events. Therefore, please check for cancellations before you attend.
Should any member have any suggestions for future events, wish to help out with hosting such events, or have any concerns, please contact me directly. I will be happy to discuss. We are very much a self-help group.
I will shortly be reviewing the membership for their abidance with the rules I have outlined above.
Those who blatantly disregard the simple rules of normal & acceptable social behaviour will have their membership automatically cancelled without notice. Members who are not active for more than a year will also have their membership cancelled.
People can always apply to (re)join OMG. Similarly, people are also always free to leave the group if they do not wish to belong. There is no obligation. I will rely on the tools available on Meetup Organisation's App (which I subscribe to) to manage the running of the OMG group.
OMG is about engendering friendship, respect for the community, staying safe, have a healthy lifestyle, be happy, and having a good time. And none of anything else - no politics, no hassles.
Happy socialising.
Michael Thong
Organiser, OMG Group