What we’re about
Twenty Five centuries ago the Greeks gave us new understandings of language, logic, philosophy and more. These insights became the tradition of western thinking.
Included in this understanding is the notion that we can perceive reality and describe it with words. The Greeks assumed that we can perceive the true nature of reality.
A tremendous amount of time and energy has been spent in the world of philosophy over the last 150 years, which challenges these long held assumptions.
Recognizing that the Greek world view carries inherent conflict when opinions about reality differ, linguistic philosophers proposed a new interpretation of language.
This interpretation is that our language is generative--it creates reality rather than describes reality-- and considers each of us as unique observers co-creating our mutual experience of reality.
This is a weekly study group looking at the impact of the philosophy of language in our daily lives. It is open to all who are curious about how our language and stories define who we are and what is possible.