Higher Guidance: How Do We Save the Planet Now?
NOTE: this will be the full topic talk of great information rescheduled from last Sunday's preparatory discussion.
Oh gosh, how do we save our beloved Earth now? After decades of choosing quick-profit economy over sustainable ecology, more people mindlessly support dictatorships based on war and lies. If it’s true that where there’s life there’s hope, then where’s life going to? Join us Sunday Nov 24 for a free mind-expanding heart-comforting talk on the state of human spiritual evolution that is the Earth’s last best hope to carry on. Don’t worry because there’s a divine plan that’s being continually updated even now!
Those who know me know I don’t shy away from hard realities. I whole-heartedly supported the vision of a fantastic new US presidency to fundamentally protect all people, their health, and environment. It was vital to not only vote in our districts but also in our hearts, so we must remember that in our hearts love and wisdom won. The day after the election that shocked the world with fears of more chaos to come gave us fresh context to feel intense emotions that are powerful and sacred. Higher guidance shows the ascension is still on track, because reality did split as expected and we are never left behind.
The secret of manifestation is we do not simply get whatever we ask for, since that becomes domination by the negative ego. Hucksters of new age prosperity say the universe is your tool to command with unstoppable visualization, so demand what you want and take the blame if you don’t get it. How is that any better than brutal survival of the fittest? No, the way divine manifestation has always worked is that from limited human understanding we work for our ideals with all our heart, then release to the higher self who can take us home. Do your best and let Source do the rest, so your intentions to love can cocreate perfectly with the best path we can’t yet see but will. My soul likes to say, “On my way not in my way.” The Universe knows our true desires and all the steps to get there, so we can embrace what comes up for deeper healing. Everyone has their own journey and lessons, reflected in our uniquely changing emotions. Trust yourself, believe in your destiny. Create safe containers for your reactions so you can graduate to the most effective responses.
The lesson now is that not everyone is choosing the spiritual future of a healthy Earth, and that will be ok for them. Give up the idea that there is only one Earth on which to battle for dwindling resources, because that’s what the dominators want you to join them in believing. The realities did split in 2024, so the collective society out there isn’t real, only your personal energy. Quantum physics is clear there are no physical objects in existence, only infinite eternal energy fields that seem solid when we interact with them. Our belief-based expectations create not just our reactions to reality, but reality itself. What’s real is the energy flow of how we live as individual consciousnesses, in our own “bubble” of principle-based choices. Folks who choose love and truth will be guided through situations that others who choose hate and lies will crash upon. Society is a collective communication window for the current range of possible choices. Let others have their choices so you can have yours too, and you will be safe in the coming years of transformation that don’t have to affect you. You won’t become uncaringly elite, because your love will guide you to help those who are ready to be helped. Others you can wish well from a safe distance as you convert old absolute fear-based judgments into personal values to live and let live.
For this meetup, take courage to review your fears and fantasies for what’s coming on the Earth. See where your mind jumps in with denials or pessimism, while your heart wants to stay vulnerably open for life to work out. Be willing to be loved and protected by the Universe in ways you don’t yet understand. Does a thriving infant comprehend what adoring parents do to care for it? After some check-ins, I’ll explain key concepts to survive and thrive in the coming years. Negative ego doesn’t have to run your life, personal reality supersedes the collective, and expect four ways the world will be saved: physical technologies working with nature, emotional energy healing with guides, mental consciousness shifting with ETs and EDs (extra-dimensionals), and spiritual miracle working with angels. I’ll share real-life stories happening now, including my work in consciousness shifting, and local UFO experiencer Chris Bledsoe with Old Testament ET angels. His new book UFO of God is changing people’s lives in the fundamentalist and military communities that we don’t have to deal with. We’ll conclude with a guided meditation to sense where you’re called to be safe and contribute in a greater divine plan.
Best wishes,
Carl Johann Schroeder
spiritual teaching and coaching
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Higher Guidance: How Do We Save the Planet Now?