What we’re about
This group has grown so much recently, we seem to be serving 2 functions. We offer a safe place to talk with people about struggles you may be having adjusting to the new chapter in your life (primarily through our coffee meetups), but we also offer opportunities for you to socialize with other adults in a safe and friendly, group environment. We have dinners out, movies, bowling, and many other activities to get you out of the house, have a sanity break away from the kids and to meet new friends. This group is not a singles club or dating site.
We are from all over the Ottawa/Gatineau area! We are young and old, male and female, French and English, married a few years or a few decades, with children or without, pretty much anything goes, but the one common bond we share is that we are all dealing with issues brought about by break-up/separation/divorce . It does not matter if you are just a few days/weeks into this process, or if it has been many years, we will welcome you with warm smiles and kind words.
Many of us find ourselves on this path, which we never thought we would be on. Together we share stories, offer advice and support, and quite often find some things to laugh about.
********** Please read WAIVER?DISCLAIMER/RELEASE OF LIABILITY below as well************
Check out our “About” page for more information, and hopefully we will see you soon!
RULES: Conduct yourself in a respectful manner and follow the guidelines set out for each event, by the Event Host(s) Hostess(s). A visible recent profile picture of you (within 5 years) must be on your profile to be part of this group and attend events.
WAIVER/DISCLAIMER/RELEASE OF LIABILITY - PLEASE READ: Members, by joining this group electronically or otherwise, *YOU (and this *YOU also includes your + and your guests/relatives or any others who you make aware of and bring, accommodate, or ask to meet you at an event(s) and/or group activities) CONSENT to the following: *You attend our activities and events and meetups at YOUR OWN RISK AND LIABILITY .Meetup, and Group organizers, co-organizers, event hosts/hostesses, and volunteers anyone else are NOT responsible for your health, safety, possessions, or anything else, and shall not and cannot be held liable or responsible in any way, shape or form at any event or activity at any venue (public or private) You automatically release any volunteer from any and all responsibility & liability by joining this group. This is a non professional group that only provides a way for you to connect with others. All members and organizers, host(s)/hostess(es) and volunteers are not responsible from any coincidental or accidental occurrences which could render liability, for creating, participating, or attending a meet-up. For more information, please contact Meetup.com.