12/03 語言交換之夜 Taipei Language Exchange
🔍 Hey there, new friends!
Super excited to have you at our language exchange meetup! This event is held on the first Tuesday of every month. We′ve got peeps who speak English and Chinese, and we can′t wait to include even more languages soon! Let′s all get to know each other – it′s a golden chance for language enthusiasts in Taipei to dive into an amazing language exchange!
嗨!~ 各位新朋友們!
歡迎參加我們的語言交換之夜!本活動固定在每月第一周的周二舉辦,目前我們有說英語、中文的夥伴們會加入這場聚會,也期待有更多不同語言的參與, 歡迎大家介紹大家,讓喜歡學習外語的彼此, 能在台北多一個超棒的語言交換活動!
🔍During our two and a half hours together, you′ll get to:
- Kick back in a comfy, easy-going foreign language setting.
- Meet buddies from different corners of the world.
- Enjoy swapping views and getting to know cool cultures from around the globe.
3小時的活動時間,你能夠體驗到 :
- 自在放鬆的外語環境
- 認識來自不同地方和國家的朋友們
- 享受多元觀點交流&認識異國文化
🔍Want to meet some local Taiwanese friends or pals from overseas?
You′re just who we′re looking for!
The Singularity Cafe 3F Loft Area
🔍On the Day當日報到
Getting a stamp on your hand on 1F and join the 3F meet up !
🔍Event Schedule活動流程
- No Schedule, Free Talking!
- Free socializing time:自由交流時間
Entrence fee 一般參加者:150
Monthly members 齊文藝室月會員:Free
Mandarin Teacher Erin 語言中心華語老師Erin
Mandarin Teacher Erin 語言中心華語金老師
※The maximum number of participants is 40, and payment is made on-site.活動人數上限 40 位,採現場付款制
現場如果有遇到任何讓你不適的談話或是參加者請立刻與我們反應。 If you encounter any uncomfortable conversations or participants at the event, please let us know immediately.
如有人做出踰矩未尊重對方的舉動,情節重大我們將會報警處理。 If anyone acts inappropriately or disrespects others, and the situation is serious, we will report it to the police.
Looking forward to exchanging languages with everyone.
See you then!~
12/03 語言交換之夜 Taipei Language Exchange