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Self-Exploration through The Stargate Energy Meditations

Photo of Shari Carolo
Hosted By
Shari C. and Diane B.
Self-Exploration through The Stargate Energy Meditations


It is no accident that you have been drawn to these pages, to this information, you have been guided here. Now, it is up to you. Now, it is for you to decide for yourself, ‘Is the Stargate something that I can benefit from?’ So, let us say a few words about this.

The Stargate is here to support your personal evolution. There are a multitude of ways that the Stargate can assist you. Primarily, it allows you to feel at a deeper level subtle energies, the presence of your guides, enabling you to communicate with them, enabling you to expand into an awareness of the multi-dimensional realities of existence.

On a much more basic level, it can assist you in dissolving the habits and limitations that you have in your life, that constantly thwart you. The habits you no longer wish to have, but you find yourself repeating again and again. The Stargate and the techniques that are used with it can assist you in finding the root cause of the difficulties, the root cause of the illnesses, perhaps, in your life. And, having found the root cause, having vibrated the energetic of love and understanding, the root cause, the key to the problem can be dissolved, and in its dissolution your lives are permanently changed.

So many techniques, so many different ways to access the skills and abilities that are dormant within you. Are you ready to discover who you are? For the Stargate has the function of introducing you to the greater you.

Photo of Stargate Energy Meditations - Finding your True Self group
Stargate Energy Meditations - Finding your True Self
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