Grand Healer Calala Delivers Presentation at Calgary Central Library
— My administration is planning to launch on April of 2025, an harmonious and dominant Health Coaching Program in Calgary, and worldwide.
And right now we are proposing ahead of schedule!
— Our mission is to help people overcome difficult illnesses, organize their lives, and ultimately to help people & the planet to have a good Life!
— On November 1, Grand Healer Calala will be delivering presentation at the Calgary Central Library, to talk more of his program! If you like to attend the event to learn more of GHC's program, don't forget to sign up!
At the library meeting room you will have the opportunity to get to know Grand Healer Calala, to learn more of his Health Coaching Program, and ask any questions you may like. We look forward to meeting you!
We will be on the 3rd floor at the Room 3-16B. (Ask any staff if you need help to find us.)
Be prepared!
Grand Healer Calala Delivers Presentation at Calgary Central Library