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PFS2e - 3-13 - Guardian's Covenant (Level 3-6)

Photo of Ringweld
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Friday Night Pathfinder at The Game Keep

Note - Signups will open 2 weeks before the Event

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.

Heed the call for heroes!

After assisting the people of Port Valen and protecting the town from rampaging trolls, the Society earned the approval of the settlement's leaders to establish a new Pathfinder lodge in the former feasting hall of the legendary warrior Sveinn Blood-Eagle. After enduring several months of dangerous ocean voyages to supply the new lodge and assist the town, venture-captains Bjersig Torrsen and Calisro Bennary requested permission for the Society to connect their new lodge in Port Valen to the Maze of the Open Road. By using the mystical extraplanar hedge maze, the venture-captains hope to strengthen the Society's presence in Arcadia. Rather than establish such a connection on their own, the venture-captains consulted Port Valen's leaders to determine the most responsible means of opening the portal. Their careful research brought them to a fey guardian in the Forest of Trials. The guardian readily agreed to the Society's proposal, on one condition. To keep the portal opened, the Society must regularly send heroes to perform heroic deeds in and around the Forest of Trials!

In this repeatable scenario, the PCs visit Port Valen and perform a series of deeds to earn the approval of the forest guardian. The scenario includes variable elements to ensure continued enjoyment for those who wish to play or run the adventure multiple times.

Scenario tags: Repeatable

Photo of Tennessee PFS and SFS group
Tennessee PFS and SFS
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Friday, October 4, 2024
11:00 PM
The Game Keep
3952 Lebanon Pike · Hermitage, TN
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7 spots left