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Starfinder Play Testpalooza

Photo of Timothy Travis
Hosted By
Timothy T.


Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet

A Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventure designed for 1st-level characters.

For millennia, Birnam’s Bubble has been a planet untouched by outsiders, fully encapsulated in an impenetrable shield of unknown energy and protected by powerful automated defenses. Through this barrier, explorers and surveyors have glimpsed pristine settlements, verdant flora, and inexplicable magical emanations—yet no fauna or citizens populate the world’s surface.

As in many other parts of the galaxy, the Drift Crisis changed everything. Now, the energy barrier surrounding Birnam’s Bubble cracks like shattering glass, and shards of this solidified energy have begun to fall through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface, causing significant destruction. Enter the breach and uncover the secrets of the lost civilizations of Birnam’s Bubble before they're lost forever!

Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast!

Countless derelict and abandoned starships litter space—some damaged beyond repair, some containing valuable cargo, and others empty save for the dead. The Xenowarden starship Bloom is one such ship. During a routine survey mission to a newly discovered dwarf planet in the Vast, the crew of the Bloom collected a variety of biological and environmental samples, secured the samples for further study, and departed, plotting a course through the Drift to a mobile research laboratory in the Pact Worlds.

The Bloom that emerged in Pact Worlds’ space was much changed—unresponsive, careening out of control, and with no sign of the ship’s crew. Explore the biomechanical corridors of the Bloom to uncover the fate of its missing crew and face off against a dangerous, alien predator that can’t be allowed to survive.

The Bloom is haunted. That’s the least of your problems.

Scenario #1 is for 1st level characters. Scenario #2 is for 5th level characters. Pregens will be provided but any legal Starfinder 2E characters can be played.

Each scenario should take about 60-90 minutes and will be played back-to-back.

Photo of Tennessee PFS and SFS group
Tennessee PFS and SFS
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RSVP opens
Saturday, October 5, 2024
4:00 PM
The Game Keep
3952 Lebanon Pike · Hermitage, TN
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7 spots left