Gaining Confidence In Yourself Begins Here
Come visit and learn the new Pathways Educational Program to excel in your life outside Toastmasters!
TV Toastmasters has openings for new members!!! Bring a friend - you'll be glad you shared this opportunity.
Visiting a club is an exciting first step in reaching your goals. There’s no need to feel pressure to participate at your first club meeting – you can simply observe if you wish. Have a great first meeting!
We're Growing (and You Can Too)
What Is Cincinnati TV Toastmasters?
TV Toastmasters is a unique public speaking Toastmasters club. Why Cincinnati TV Toastmasters? We video tape all our online speeches for fast track public speaking improvement. Our method will help you overcome public speaking fears and anxiety and we meet on a Saturday once a month to help you include Toastmasters in your busy week.
Cincinnati TV Toastmasters is a “learn-by-doing” system in which members hone their skills in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere with the added benefit of being able to view their speeches.
When the club members meet in person, they meet the 1st Thursday at 6:00 PM at Anderson Public Library front conference room: 7450 State Rd and the 3rd Saturday at 10:00 AM of every month at Anderson Community Center upper conference room: 7850 Five Mile Rd. In person meetings may resume once the current pandemic is more under control.
What's the BEST that could happen by visiting?
YOU can overcome FEAR & DOUBT to achieve the SUCCESS You desire.
Toastmasters International Is Bigger and Better: Helping you overcome fear, build confidence, and improve management/leadership skills through public speaking and evaluations.
Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Our membership exceeds 364,000 worldwide who become more confident speakers and leaders by attending one of the 16,200 clubs in 145 countries.
Every 3rd Saturday of the month
Gaining Confidence In Yourself Begins Here