What we’re about
PUBLIC SPEAKING at its BEST - registration https://www.weezevent.com/toastmasters-nice-soiree-oratoire-public-speaking?fbclid=IwAR3iKEjqMIibsILVwqzeGNN21ZgtSIPUTmVgyY5QkHyh6hm8RIch7y4VkiM
Welcome to Toastmasters Nice(a French/English bilingual Club).
> Would you like to improve your communication and leadership skills? Do you want to remain cool and unstressed during interviews or meetings? Do you need to express yourself well in English and French? Can you convince and inspire an audience? Toastmasters can help you achieve all this in a warm and friendly atmosphere. However, to benefit from our club you should be, at least, fluent in one language and have a good understanding of the other.
Our club members meet twice per month, normally on the first and third Monday: Hotel Villa la Tour 4 rue de la Tour, 06300 Nice
Guests are always welcome.Please note a small charge of €12 for drinks, tapas and a well-equipped conference area.
19h00 Greetings & networking
19h30 Meeting starts 21h30 Meeting Ends Check our website * Find us on Facebook
Our Club is a chartered member of Toastmasters International, a non profit-making organization with 14,350 clubs worldwide serving 292,000 registered members. Members follow the Toastmasters' Competent Communication and Leadership programs. With help and encouragement, stress becomes a workable asset and fear is forgotten. We all have something to say and mostly the ability to say it.
I look forward to seeing you.
Best Regards,
Officiers TOASTMASTERS NICE Officers
Infocheck : https://tmnice.mytoastmasters.club/