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What we’re about

Looking to expand your knowledge and grow both personally and professionally? Tokyo Book Lovers is a community focused on self-help, business, and personal development books. We dive into impactful reads like "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"—exploring key insights to enhance our lives and careers etc.

Focus on Growth: we primarily discuss self-improvement, business, and learning-oriented books.
Broader Conversations: Rather than sticking to one book, we explore themes and lessons from various titles.
Meet Like-Minded People: Build meaningful connections with others who are passionate about learning and personal growth.

If you're into books that help you grow, join us for insightful discussions and new connections!


読書を通じて学びたい: 自己成長やビジネス、学びに関連する本をメインに取り上げています。
幅広い話題でディスカッション: 一冊の本に縛られず、さまざまなテーマや学びを自由に話し合います。
共通の興味を持つ仲間と出会う: 学びや成長に関心を持つ人たちとつながり、深い対話を楽しみましょう。

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