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FrontSpot JavaScript MeetUp #7

FrontSpot Baltic Community fotoğrafı
Hosted By
FrontSpot Baltic C.
FrontSpot JavaScript MeetUp #7


Off we go!
FrontSpot JavaScript MeetUp #7
Language: EN
When: September 25, 6.45 - 8.45 PM
Where: Vilnius, Šeimyniškių g. 19, entrance B (near Caffeine), 8th floor, terrace

Meet your fellow developers, engage in exciting discussions, grow your network, talk firsthand to experts and listen to speakers together

Dzmitry Vakulchyk, Lead Engineer at EPAM
Topic: Untold Stories About Microfrontend
In this talk, I will share our journey of moving existing financial applications to a microfrontend architecture. You'll hear about the challenges we faced, the common pitfalls we encountered, and the trade-offs we had to make along the way. We'll break down what worked, what didn't, and offer practical insights that can help you in your own transition. Whether you're just starting with microfrontends or already working with them, this session will provide valuable lessons from our real-world experience.

Ievgen Bovkun, Software Architect at EPAM
Topic: MACH. Headless CMS Dynamic Rendering.
We’ll explore the purpose and mechanics of Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in Angular. SSR enhances performance by pre-rendering web pages on the server, allowing for faster initial load times and improved SEO. We'll discuss how Angular enables SSR by rendering components server-side and then hydrating them client-side. Additionally, we’ll cover best practices for optimizing SSR, such as efficient data fetching and caching, while also highlighting common pitfalls like increased server load and complex deployment setups.

Our meetup will be an excellent opportunity for networking with like-minded professionals and exchanging ideas with fellow community members.

Be our guests for coffee, snacks and pizza!

Photo of FrontSpot Baltic Community group
FrontSpot Baltic Community
Daha fazla etkinliğe göz at
Vilnius County
· Vilnius
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