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Conversations from the Heart

Photo of Beth
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Conversations from the Heart


Do you crave heartfelt meaningful connections and a wider community? Skip the small talk and set the stage to make new friends.

What will we do?

  • We sit together in a small group.
  • Each person chooses a discussion question.
  • The person who chose the question will answer it first.
  • Then we'll go around the circle and everyone can answer the question, or pass. After a while, we'll switch circles and meet new people.

How can we connect with people we just met?

  • We listen attentively without interrupting.
  • We may ask a question to deepen the connection, but we share the talk time so everyone is heard.
  • Everyone chooses how much or how little they want to share.
  • We show up with open minds and hearts, with the intention to understand.
  • Occasionally we may agree to disagree, respectfully acknowledging that our differences enrich us, and we may even learn something new!

Connection is great for improving relationships, health, and even creative problem solving. This event is designed to be inclusive and empathetic.

DONATION: Please donate $10 - 20 for group expenses and to acknowledge the hosts' time and expertise leading the event.
VENMO: @Beth-Eldridge-0125

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Can you come early or stay late to arrange chairs / tables, in exchange for free admission? Email Beth at [email protected]

Beth Eldridge is the hostess for this event, and others like it, since 2018. She is an internationally certified communication and relationship coach. Beth helps people find clarity in their life purpose and solve problems creatively. She specializes in developing emotional intelligence so you can communicate in more compassionate, empowered ways to meet everyone's needs. Beth offers free coaching Intake calls to serious prospective clients, and she offers a consulting introduction for organizations who want workshops. She has coached clients privately, as well as helped a national nonprofit restructure their training to increase facilitators’ empathy. See more at:


  • Join the email list to find out what’s next. Sign up here: Mailing List
  • The event is held at Christ the Servant Lutheran Church in Louisville, but it is not a religious event.
  • RSVP at least 24 hours in advance to receive an email with the exact room location
Photo of Trails and Ales group
Trails and Ales
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Christ the Servant Lutheran
506 Via Appia Way · Louisville, CO
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55 spots left