What we’re about
If you live in Tucson/Southern AZ, consider joining this group of age 50 plus singles who enjoy getting together for fun activities. TO BE APPROVED:
- PROFILE PIC OF ONLY YOU - All members must post a clear, recent photo of themselves, i.e. good headshot or selfie, so we can easily find each other at meetups.
- NO SHOW POLICY – Our no show policy is three strikes and you’re out of the group. If you're signed up for an event, you MUST change your RSVP to NOT GOING if you can no longer attend, BEFORE the event starts, or it’s a NO SHOW.
- CHECK IN WITH YOUR EVENT HOST – Be sure to check in! We're grateful for our members who host events - they take attendance, welcome people, and introduce them to others. Please be gracious and appreciative, and make their job as easy as possible.
- DONATIONS – We appreciate your donations to keep the group going. Feel free to donate a small amount when we “pass the hat”. Thanks!
- WELCOME! - In this group we take responsibility for ourselves, and are respectful of others. It's not a dating group, although it may be possible to make a connection. You're sure to make new friends! If anyone is having a problem with a member, feel free to message:
Shirley, Robert, Janet, or Doc (the Leadership Team).