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What we’re about

Toastmasters clubs, including online ones, follow a set of guidelines to ensure smooth operation and effective member engagement. Here's a brief overview:

Meeting Structure: Online meetings should follow a structured agenda, including prepared speeches, Table Topics (impromptu speaking), and evaluations.

Technology: Use reliable video conferencing tools (e.g., Zoom) and ensure all members have access and understand how to use the platform.

Roles and Responsibilities: Assign meeting roles (e.g., Toastmaster, Timer, Evaluator) in advance to ensure smooth execution and member participation.

Timing: Adhere to the scheduled start and end times to respect members' time.

Engagement: Encourage active participation by all members, maintaining an inclusive and supportive environment.

Feedback: Provide constructive and respectful feedback to help members improve their speaking and leadership skills.

Professionalism: Maintain a professional and respectful demeanor during meetings.

Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of members and the confidentiality of shared content.

Accessibility: Ensure meetings are accessible to all members, including those with disabilities.

Membership: Follow the guidelines for membership dues, attendance, and participation as outlined by Toastmasters International.