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What we’re about

The main objective of this group is to understand first you inner suffering, what suffering actually is and to recognize how much human mind actually suffers, how much you internally suffer.
Together we will end or reduce your suffering until you can end it by yourself. Internal suffering is the fundamental root cause which holds you back of being an iluminati where everything is possible.

I am here to guide you for free to become free. Free of suffering and finally free of all unnecessary needs.

With the ultimate truth you will discover the eternal peace within with no opposite.
It is right here, you just maybe didn't discover it yet. But if you join the group, you are already one step closer towards enlightenment, the awakening of that dream.

This is no spiritual, religion or science group. This group has no label. You can give it your own creative name.
This group belongs to nobody and to everyone at the same moment. In this group you will learn nothing and everything at the same moment.
Don't have any expectations as expectations are one of the many causes of suffering.

In this group you will learn the one and only ultimate truth of who you are, why you are here and where you are going.

Ask yourself how a human can live without really knowing who you are?

You will understand everything, if you will strictly follow the rules of this group which are posted in the picture and written below. Most importantly if you listen and surrender and ask as many questions you want, you will make sense of every sentence that is spoken.

Before you are willing to join an event, please read those 5 group rules.
Once you read them and give your best to follow them, you are more then welcome to join.

Any event that will be organized is zero scripted neither strictly timed. The end is open and you go when you want or have to go, same applies to the group organizer.
Each event will have a general topic that we will address and create the deepest surgery into the core essence of what it is or how it is.

As more you open up and surrender to the event as more you will understand and as faster you will recognize and end your iternal suffering which holds you back from becoming free and in charge of your own life.

Much true love 🙌🏻♥️

Group rules:


You have always to put your very best effort trying to be as open as possible to the unknown. Even if it might be freighting. Never resist to it. Always be open to ANYTHING that appears. If you start to suffer in front of the unknown, move to the next step.

2 (4). TRUST

If you trust yourself fully it means you can trust your perception. Perception is what we call life moment. Isn't this right away a moment here while you are reading this? Can you trust fully to what is written? Give yourself true reasons why not, if this will end your suffering.
If you can't trust yourself anymore because you never experienced such moment then at least continue to trust those 5 rules until you end your suffering.


Always welcome everything and let it go. Never clinch or resist to it. It's all you. You create ALL. You can not add nor subtract anything to YOU, because you are already complete. It is an illusion to clinch on anything, because everything it's just infinite energy forms which are constantly changing or arising and passing away. As more you clinch or resist on it as more you will suffer sooner or later. Any life moment you have is just a perception created by thoughts, that we call mind. There are infinite thoughts and our 95% subconscious mind attaches to some of those thoughts unconsciously, which creates an image in front of you that we call physical life.


In this human experience that we call life, nothing is personal because it's not YOU that is having this experience. Instead it is you that is just aware of having this human experience. If your opposed attacks you and you identify with it, you are attacking yourself in the end, which changes your state of being. If you don’t take it personal and stay present, you will realise that the suffering that your opposed is having while he is attacking you, will ease up right away.
As soon as your 5 senses of the mind are active and you identify with that life situation, it is very obvious that you will take things personally, but if you did your ultimate homework, you learn to program your subconcsious to not take anything personal.

5 (1). PRIVACY

Don't share your experience with anyone until you truly confirm to yourself that it's true. Keep it absolutely private for you until you confirm the ultimate truth to yourself. Only share what you really know and confirmed it through many experiences. If you share some ideas or beliefs, it is very dangerous that you are spreading lies. Same lies as you received since you were born to believe that you are that body and mind.
You are an infinite aware being that is aware of the two opposite illusions called ego identification (movement/energy/human experience doing) and the true self identification (stillness/gravitation/being within).
If you share lies, it is dangerous that the same mind identified human as you, will drag you back into the illusionary mind and create doubts of your journey of discovering the ultimate truth. Do not share until you really truly know. Until you learned to die before you die. Until you don't experience death, you don't know what true life is.

Lastly but not least:

- please try during any event not to argue, to agree nor to disgree. Instead ask any question your want there is no right and wrong and just acknowledge the meaning. Later when you turn within by yourself or with your loved ones you self inquire yourself and judge, argue, agree or disagree what was said in the event.