What we’re about
iNtuitives make up approx 25% of the total population. but with sensors at 75%, iNtuitives become more difficult to sift out of the haze. so with the hope that we’re easier to find in the virtual world than we are by fleeting serendipity in our daily routines, i’m reaching out in an attempt to draw in other iNtuitives living within driving range of Eugene. we can gather on here, meet up around town or in nature, explore our similarities/differences, and just spend quality time socializing with our kind…
✨all members can post events.
✨diverse event concepts welcomed. ✨let’s not feel obligated/pressured to post overly thought out/structured events. simply hanging out, with no other purpose/agenda, is meaningful enough.
✨let’s share/discover hidden gems around town, with cool ambiance/good vibes, to meet up/hang out.
✨masculine NF’s & feminine NT’s are extra rare/interesting, and are encouraged to join for their unique energy/outlook/input.
✨visionary geniuses, healers, & mystics, let’s exchange visions; and potentially collaborate.
✨if You have been receiving direct downloads from Universal Source, please join.
✨test here, if You’re unsure of your type~