A Course In Miracles – via ZOOM ONLY for now
Join this weekly discussion group, which NOW MEETS ONLY on Zoom due to the recent Covid surge. You will be notified when in-person gatherings resume.
As you delve into A Course In Miracles, you will start to uncover the layers of conditioning and misbelief about yourself. This leads you to rediscover the Truth of your being. The course is a universal path to inner peace using love and forgiveness to dispel fear, doubt and guilt.
Your leader, Linda Goldey, MA, has studied various A Course In Miracles materials and has taught the course for several years. She continues as a Course student, even as she serves as a teacher.
To access the Zoom link, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9256801118#
For this class, a freewill donation to Unity ($10 to $20 suggested) would be much appreciated. Go to https://www.unityofwalnutcreek.org/give.
Unity of Walnut Creek (https://www.unityofwalnutcreek.org/) is a vibrant, loving and inclusive community that offers a positive path for spiritual living through teachings that are relevant, practical and inspiring. Unity is part of the New Thought tradition. We believe we all have a spark of Divinity within us and we honor all paths to the One.
Every week on Tuesday
A Course In Miracles – via ZOOM ONLY for now