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A Course In Miracles – via ZOOM ONLY for now

Photo of Eileen Housfeld
Hosted By
Eileen H.


Join this weekly discussion group, which NOW MEETS ONLY on Zoom due to the recent Covid surge. You will be notified when in-person gatherings resume.

As you delve into A Course In Miracles, you will start to uncover the layers of conditioning and misbelief about yourself. This leads you to rediscover the Truth of your being. The course is a universal path to inner peace using love and forgiveness to dispel fear, doubt and guilt.

Your leader, Linda Goldey, MA, has studied various A Course In Miracles materials and has taught the course for several years. She continues as a Course student, even as she serves as a teacher.

To access the Zoom link, go to

For this class, a freewill donation to Unity ($10 to $20 suggested) would be much appreciated. Go to

Unity of Walnut Creek ( is a vibrant, loving and inclusive community that offers a positive path for spiritual living through teachings that are relevant, practical and inspiring. Unity is part of the New Thought tradition. We believe we all have a spark of Divinity within us and we honor all paths to the One.

Photo of Unity of Walnut Creek group
Unity of Walnut Creek
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Every week on Tuesday

Unity of Walnut Creek
1871 Geary Rd. · Walnut Creek, CA
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