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What we’re about

Welcome to Third Culture Adults (TCK) Group
Welcome to the Third Culture Adults (TCK) Group! Are you a third culture kid who grew up immersed in multiple countries and cultures? Do you have a mixed heritage or are you in an intercultural or interfaith relationship? Do you love traveling, exploring diverse cultures, and see the world as one global community? Do you identify as a global citizen, passionate about unity and diversity? If so, this vibrant and inclusive group is the perfect community for you!

About Us
We are a vibrant and inclusive community that welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds who resonate with a global citizen mindset and are passionate about unity and diversity. Our members come together to build meaningful connections and celebrate the richness of our multicultural experiences.

Our members include:

  • Third culture kids who have grown up immersed in different countries and cultures
  • Individuals of mixed parentage or heritage
  • Couples and families in inter-cultural or inter-faith relationships
  • People passionate about multiculturalism and global citizenship
  • Advocates for unity, diversity, and inclusivity
  • Neurodiverse individuals
  • People of all genders and sexual orientations

What We Do: We host a variety of events and activities designed to foster understanding, friendship, and support among our members, including:

  • Social gatherings and cultural celebrations
  • Discussion groups and panels on multicultural, inter-faith, and neurodiverse topics
  • Workshops on navigating and embracing diverse identities
  • Collaborative projects and community outreach

Join us as we create a space where everyone can feel understood, appreciated, and connected. Together, we celebrate our differences and find common ground, building a world where unity in diversity thrives.

Inspiring Unity
Our tagline reflects our mission to bring people together from all walks of life, inspiring unity through shared experiences and mutual respect.

Group Rules

  • Respect and Inclusivity: Treat everyone with kindness and respect diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
  • Open-Mindedness: Approach discussions with openness and avoid making assumptions.
  • Confidentiality: Respect members' privacy and do not share personal information without permission.
  • Active Participation: Engage in events actively; update RSVPs if plans change.
  • Zero Tolerance: Discrimination, harassment, and hate speech are not tolerated.
  • Constructive Communication: Communicate respectfully and focus on understanding.
  • Community Support: Offer encouragement and share beneficial resources.
  • Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to improve the group.

Join today and be a part of a community that celebrates the richness of our diverse identities and fosters unity through shared experiences and mutual respect. Together, we can make a positive impact in our lives and the world around us, and keep inspiring unity together.

About me:
My name is Amirah. I am biracial and neurodivergent. I grew up in Malaysia, constantly exposed to a melting pot of cultures. I love traveling, music, nature, personal development, and exploring different cultures.

Blog: Love Is Our Birthright
Facebook Unity Group: Unity Planet