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What we’re about

Do you have questions that have never been answered?
Are you misunderstood in your relationships?

The Universal Language of Earth can help!

Get your questions answered and be understood in your relationships from now on.

Peace of mind can be yours!

Good English is not required to begin learning the Universal Language Art.

The Universal Language Art works with any language on Earth.

Best thoughts to see you at the next meeting!

UPDATE [02AUG2024]: the new name of the group is, "Learn the Universal Language of Earth - It is Easy"

The group name was changed to more accurately reflect the essence of the topic, which is how to learn the universal language of the Earth.

No matter which language is your first, anyone is able to learn the Universal Language with relative ease.

This is because all languages on Earth use the same geometric pattern and sounds since everyone uses the same human vocal cords and geometry is the basic building material of us all.

The Universal Language is fun to learn and the process is encouraging and uplifting!

Best thoughts to see you at the next meeting...