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What we’re about

A group for people in Metro Vancouver to play the fun card game Cribbage while enjoying a social beverage and/or food of their choice at a pub or restaurant. Events will be held every other Wednesday starting at 7pm. Location TBD

The group & events are open to those who know how to play and those who would like to learn. Play is friendly and for fun, not for money. There is a free online version and complete instructions on play here. If you’re new to the game, it’ll be worth the time to familiarize yourself with game play beforehand, but it’s not necessary. The group is accepting of new players and will help them learn.

No Event Fee will be charged in advance but a voluntary contribution to cover expenses will be requested. There are a number of costs associated with hosting these events, such as crib boards, cards and the cost of using the Meetup platform. If everyone drops a Toonie in the jar each night, that would help cover these costs.

Cribbage, or crib, is a card game, traditionally for two players, that involves playing and grouping cards in combinations which gain points. It can be adapted for three or four players.

The game has relatively few rules yet many subtleties, which accounts for its ongoing appeal and popularity. Tactical play varies, depending on which cards one's opponent has played, how many cards in the remaining pack will help the hand one holds, and what one's position on the board is. A game may be decided by a single point, and the edge often goes to an experienced player who utilizes strategy, including calculating odds and making decisions based on the relative positions of players on the board.
Cribbage is descended from the old English card game of noddy. Cribbage added the distinctive feature of a crib and changed the scoring system for points, whereas costly colours added more combinations but retained the original noddy scoring scheme.

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