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What we’re about

Who are we?

We're a group of people from all walks of life who meet up to learn, speak, and enjoy the international language Esperanto. We meet in-person and online, and Esperanto speakers are welcome to attend wherever they live. See the event descriptions for the link needed to attend the online meetings.

What events do we hold?

In addition to regular informal chat meetups, we hold other events online and in-person throughout the year across Metro Vancouver:

  • Language Exchanges - know a language other than English? Come to our relaxed Language Exchange nights and practice it in exchange for learning spoken Esperanto. Don't worry, Esperanto is called the 'easiest living language' for good reason, and if you already know another language you already have a leg up!
  • EO-Hackathons - computer programming is big in the Esperanto community (really big) and many of us code. Join one of our coding events to work together on exciting open-source projects. No matter your skill level, you can participate in these coding events to accelerate your learning, practice working with others, and improve your coding skills and confidence.
  • Travel Shows - they didn't make the 'International Language' so you could stay home. Visiting faraway and exotic places and meeting instant friends there (esperantists or sameideanoj) is part of what Esperanto is all about! We periodically have fun meetups where members who have travelled abroad will show & tell us their experience, and give us tips.
  • Multicultural Festivals & Language Fairs - join us for fun and to meet people as we showcase Esperanto at various cultural community events like International Mother Language Day, or one of the many multicultural festivals in Metro.

What is Esperanto?

Esperanto is a language that was carefully planned to be as easy as possible to learn. It was introduced with the hope that it would be used worldwide as a common auxiliary language, fostering more effective and fair international communication. The Esperanto movement also supports linguistic diversity, democracy, human emancipation, and a global culture for peace.

What makes it so easy?

Esperanto grammar is simple and regular with no exceptions (no irregular verbs!). The spelling is completely phonetic and syllabic stress is consistent. Once the rules have been learned, there is no doubt about pronunciation. A logical system of adding prefixes, suffixes and grammatical endings to a relatively small number of roots builds an easily-learned vocabulary of thousands of words from only hundreds of word parts.

Who speaks Esperanto?

Esperanto is currently used by a worldwide community estimated at over one million speakers. The World Esperanto Association has members in 120+ countries. Esperanto is employed in world travel, correspondence, cultural exchange, business, conventions, literature, language instruction, radio broadcasting, and more. There are even native Esperanto-speakers: people whose 1st language since infancy is Esperanto. Listen to one of them:

Find out more

Kanada Esperanto-Asocio:
More info about Esperanto:

EO: Jen la Meetup-paĝo de Vancouver Esperanto, malfermita al ĉiuj, kiuj interesiĝas pri la Esperanto-movado, aŭ pri lernado de Esperanto, en la malsupra ĉeftero / Metro Vancouver. Ni bonvenigas membrojn je ĉiuj niveloj de Esperanto-kompetenteco, precipe komencantojn!

FR: Violà le page Meetup de Vancouver Espéranto, ouvert à toute personne intéressée par le mouvement espéranto, ou par l'apprentissage de l'espéranto, dans Metro Vancouver. Nous accueillons les membres à tous les niveaux de compétence en espéranto, en particulier les débutants !