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Vancouver Pub Night at Relish

Photo of Alexander
Hosted By
Alexander and 4 others
Vancouver Pub Night at Relish


As this is a free event and to avoid potential costs for a cover charge in the future, we kindly ask you to make a purchase of a non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverage of your choice as an appreciation to the venue for hosting us.

Welcome to Vancouver Pub Nights. This event is all about having a fun night out on a Thursday evening. Have a drink and kick back, meet new people and make friends, talk about whatever interests you. We're here to have a great time, so come on down.


The event is full, can I come anyway? No. Although I do my best to secure the largest reservation I can, sometimes there's just not enough space. Showing up at a full event will cause issues, so please come to the next event instead.

Is this a dating group? No. It is fine if relationships form, but anyone found using this meetup primarily to hook up will be removed. Unsolicited messages to group members you have not met is also not allowed. If anyone is making you uncomfortable or sending you unsolicited messages, please speak to the organizers and we will help.

I'm going to be late, is that fine? Yes. The sooner you can arrive the better, but no worries if you're late. Come whenever is convenient for you.

I don't drink alcohol, can I still join? Yes. You don't need alcohol to have fun and make friends. However, you should still purchase some food or a non-alcoholic drink from the venue, so that we're invited back in the future.

Is there an age restriction, and what ID do I need? You need to be 19+ to attend these events, since they take place at bars. You'll need 2 forms of valid ID, one of which has to be government issued (Drivers License, Passport, etc.) The other can be a non-photo ID, or a credit card with your name on it.

It's my first time going, any suggestions? Don't worry, you're not alone. Most events are full of first timers. The sooner you arrive the better, as it's easier to meet new people early on. If you're feeling nervous, message me via Meetup or come up to me, and I'll help you get acquainted with people.

What time does the event end? The pub night officially runs for 3 hours, however it goes longer if people want to stick around. Sometimes we bar hop or go get some food. You're welcome to stay as long or as short as you want.

Photo of Vancouver Pub Nights group
Vancouver Pub Nights
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Every 2 weeks on Thursday

Relish Gastropub (@Relishthepub)
888 Nelson St. · Vancouver, BC
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120 spots left