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Walk in West Vancouver - Ambleside - Lions Gate Bridge - Prospect Point

Walk in West Vancouver - Ambleside - Lions Gate Bridge - Prospect Point


Walk 10 km or 5 km.

Our walks are restricted to club members who have paid $15 for an annual membership. If you have not yet done so, and you would like to join us on our walks, please follow these instructions:
SEND AN EMAIL to [email protected] stating that you'd like to fill out a membership form. In the subject line of your email, write MEETUP.

Please note: Although the number of attendees indicated on this page may appear low, be assured that you will be walking with many club members who have not RSVP’d. We rarely have fewer than 15 participants at any of our walks.

Have you ever crossed Lions Gate Bridge to Prospect Point from West Vancouver? If not, then check this out! This is another extension of the Eastern loop which goes through “villages” of Ambleside and Park Royal. Then we will cross Lions Gate Bridge to Prospect Point in Stanley Park. Return via the beach in Ambleside Park. The route offers panoramic views of Burrard Inlet and Vancouver.

Free parking: Available in 1400 and 1500 block of Argyle Avenue - no time limit on Sundays. Also available in 1400 and 1500 blocks of Duchess Ave, 2 blocks north of Marine Drive – no time limit.

Walkers will register (sign in) at the start point between 9:30 am and 9:55 am. The walk will start at 10:00 am sharp. Please be on time; we do not wait for latecomers.

Immediately following the walk, you may wish to join some of your fellow club members for lunch at the designated eatery nearby.

NOTE: Once you have RSVP’d, our Meetup site will always show your status as “Unpaid”. This is not a cause for concern. The $1.00 participation fee for the walk is paid at the start point and to save us some work, we will not be recording on Meetup that you have paid it.

If you have any questions, please post them here on Meetup or send an email to [email protected].

Photo of Vancouver Venturers Walking Club group
Vancouver Venturers Walking Club
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1634 Argyle Ave
1634 Argyle Ave · West Vancouver, BC
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