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What we’re about

Calling all Gifted children's parents age 6 to 12. 

Welcome! The purpose of creating this group is to create support for our children and their parents in a happy and fun environment to connect with other gifted kids and exchange resources. This is significantly important due to the fact that although these children are privileged and unique in their giftedness yet connecting with and finding other like-minded friends can be a challenge.

You are more than welcome to join us with your gifted Child/Children. Joining this group is free, yet for privacy reasons, it has some guidelines that would be highly appreciated to be followed by all members which are as follows:

1) Kindly read the below before sending a request to join. By joining you agree to the following: We need to keep in mind that we are all from diverse backgrounds and we need to be respectful and kind to one another. Each member is responsible for their own family’s behaviour and safety. We tend to avoid any sort of harassment or bullying or harsh comments in person or online. We expect all parties to communicate in a friendly, respectful and cooperative manner.

2) In order to join this Meetup group, your child/ children are expected to have been assessed and have an official gifted designation. This is significant due to the reason that, these children and families have been through similar experiences and their children often have equivalent personality traits and interests. 

3) This group is a parent volunteer-run organization. For the security and privacy of our members, we ask you to answer the questions before joining and tell us more information about you and your family so that we can verify that you are a parent of a gifted child. Once you have been verified, you can become an active member.

4) This Group is exclusively for Gifted young children age 6 to 12 and their families to join, play, interact and connect with other like-minded children and families and to make new friendships and exchange resources and simply have fun! Please note that the children must be accompanied and supervised by their parents at all times during the Meetups.

5) The goal of this group is to be a dynamic Meet up for gifted children and their families to connect to one another and share experiences. Therefore, we encourage members to attend at least one event every two months of joining. If any parent is interested in offering suggestions or planning an event, kindly contact the organizer.

6) RSVPs: Kindly only RSVP if you truly intend to attend an event. Members who immediately sign up and RSVP that they are attending, they will occupy a spot and prevent other members for making plans on attending the events due for the reason that some events will have limited space. Although we understand that circumstances preventing attendance happens, so please update your RSVP at least 24 hours prior to the event if you’re not going to attend and let us know if you'r going to be late. kindly notify the organizer by posting a comment.

7) We kindly request all parents for not providing their children any digital devices, such as iPads, Cell phones, Computer games or Electronic devices during the Meetups. The purpose of these meetups are for the children to engage and play with one another or simply enjoy being there. Everyone is encouraged to bring with them, Books, Board games and any other activity games that are not electronic or digital ( We encourage all members to be mindful of other children's sensitivities and boundaries).

8) Kindly do not show up to Meetups without RSVP and in case an individual demonstrated three continues no-shows within the time period of a year, they might be at risk of being removed from the group, due to the reason that some events may not have enough capacity to include more than a limited number of people.

9) Confidentiality: Giving the sensitive nature of this group and the fact that there are children involved, kindly keep whatever is posted specifically locations, dates of meetup events as confidential as possible and do not take picture from other children except yours. Please note the organizer might take pictures from the participants to post on the meetup Page, yet before posting them all the faces will be blurred. If you do not want your child's picture or yours to be taken, Kindly inform the organizer and your pictures will not be taken.

10) Disclaimer of liability: By participating in events of (Vancouver Young Gifted Children MeetUp) you hereby assume all risk and impose no liability to or any of its organizer members and their guests.

This group will suggest and tries to arrange a Meetup once a month. Depending on the weather, we can arrange Meetups outdoors for a picnic or indoors. The Meetups will be held either In Vancouver or North Shore locations. Please join us if you'r interested, even though if you live a bit further you'r more than welcome to join if the distance is not too difficult for you to commute. Continues of organizing these meetups depends on the number of all participants. 

 Thank you all and were looking forward to meeting you all :)

Group links