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Victoria, French conversation, Meetup group.

Photo of Soupe Dujour
Hosted By
Soupe Dujour .
Victoria, French conversation, Meetup group.


A minimum of 3 RSVP + host for this meetup to go ahead. Fees-First Time is Free / Bienvenue aux nouveaux membres. $ 3 Regular Fee / Frais regulier . Discount Card / Carte de rabais ($25 for 10 meetups) Conversation en Français. Venez nous rejoindre pour un échange décontracté en français dans une atmosphère amicale, positive et bienveillante. Tous les niveaux sont les bienvenus quoique peut être difficile pour les débutants. Vous nous trouverez en cherchant le signe “Francais” ou un petit drapeau disposé sur une table. A bientôt *** Come join us for casual french conversation practice in a super friendly and supportive group environment. All levels welcome although beginners might be at a disadvantage. Look for our 'Francais' sign or small flag on one of the tables. A bientôt! *** Please Take Note! #1 Our vision is to make French meetups fun and valuable for the Victoria French language community. Our meetups are in French, and we are a friendly and supportive community. The first session is free after that each session is $ 3 . Discount cards at $ 25 each are available for 10 meetups with no expiry dates. Ask your host. Special events may have other fees - these would be clearly indicated before the events. #3 Invitation to host: As part of our vision, we enthusiastically welcome members to become hosts. If you have an idea for a French meetup event, please contact one of the Organizers. # 4. RSVPs: 🎯 Attend only if you have successfully RSVP'd. There's a waitlist system for when the event fills early, and there are often some changes before the date. 🎯 If you RSVP'd but can't come after all please let us know as to allow those on the wait list to have access to your spot. DO NOT COME IF YOU ARE WAITLISTED. There would not be enough space for all.

Photo of Victoria French Conversation Meetup Group group
Victoria French Conversation Meetup Group
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2540 Windsor Rd
2540 Windsor Rd · Victoria, BC
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6 spots left