A Master of Djinn (Part Two) - Book Club Meeting @Barnes & Noble
Greetings, Earthlings!
Welcome back to the Vinings Cosmic Book Club! As of our last meeting, we're now halfway done with our latest book, A Master of Djinn by P. Djélì Clark. Time to finish the rest!
We'll be talking about the entire book at this meeting. So as long as you make an honest effort at the reading (and you don't mind spoilers), you're welcome to join us for a cup of coffee at the Barnes & Noble on Cobb Pkwy to discuss the book.
We will also be voting for our next book after we finish A Master of Djinn. So, go make sure you cast your vote soon before the survey closes: cast your vote here!
If you have any questions or suggestions for future books for the club to read together, please join our Discord server to get involved! Due to the limited amount of space available at our meeting venue, there is a 10-person attendee limit in place. If anyone has a suggestion for a bigger venue in the Vinings area, let us know!
A Master of Djinn (Part Two) - Book Club Meeting @Barnes & Noble