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Postcard Writing Meetup

Photo of Zack
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Postcard Writing Meetup


Join us for a friendly Saturday to save the world from a second Trump presidency!


  1. ITS ART WORTH KEEPING: These postcards are intriguing, and people keep them!
  2. PERSONAL MESSAGES MATTER: Handwritten notes are proven to make a difference on voter turnout!
  3. THIS GOES TO LOW-TURNOUT VOTERS: This strategy has dramatically increased turnout in the past!

We’ll provide postcards, pens, and plenty of inspiration. All you have to bring is a hand that can hold a pen. A member of Voices for Reason will host the event, making sure you welcomed like an old friend. Everyone willing to help stop Trump will be accepted, no matter their political leaning.

We will also provide a quick sheet of tips and strategies to help you maximize the effectiveness of your message, and there will be some sample postcards you can just copy off of if you like. Feel free to drop in whenever best suits your schedule for the day. Free to join, easy to make a difference!

Photo of Voices for Reason group
Voices for Reason
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Let's Meet Up
3058 N 16th St · Phoenix, AZ
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