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What we’re about

We are the Voodoo Hash House Harriers, a New Orleans chapter of a worldwide group of people who get together for a good run or walk, quench their thirst with beer (or beverage of choice), and (lovingly) make fun of ourselves and each other. Our trails take place all over New Orleans and occasionally in Metairie and the West Bank. We meet every Thursday at 6:30 pm. The “hare” leaves first and lays a trail marked with symbols made of chalk or flour. The rest of the group works together to “solve” the trail which leads to a halfway point (with beer!) and eventually back to the start (with more beer!). Newcomers will meet the group and learn the trail symbols during Chalk Talk, which happens right before the pack takes off.

Hashing is a collaborative activity, not a race. There is no expectation or pressure to be at a certain fitness level or have a certain body type. It’s great if you run, and it’s great if you walk. We welcome people (age 21+) of all persuasions, affiliations, orientations, etc., and we expect everyone to respect everyone else. Most of all, we love introducing new people to hashing and the hash community.

See you on trail! On on!

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