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What we’re about

W Station is an international facility in Osaka (Nagahoribashi).

Not only our staff is diverse in nationalities, gender, and age, but we also have an international community gathering in our facility.

We are organizing international events and language exchange events to build up a much larger international community! If you live in Osaka and you want to practice your English&Japanese or make new friends from other countries, this is the right group for you!

【Info about the facility】

Our building is composed of 5 floors: Cafe&Bar (1F), English and Japanese language school (2F), hostel (3F to 5F), and rooftop for BBQ or Sauna.

W Stationは大阪長堀橋駅付近の国際的な複合施設です。

W Stationには多種多様なスタッフが揃っており、関西の国際コミュニティが集まります。国際交流や語学交換のイベントを通して、より幅広いコミュニティを築き上げたいと思っています。こちらのグループは日本語や英語を話したい、他国からの友達を作りたいという方を対象にしています。

