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S.H.T.F Now What?

Photo of Steve D
Hosted By
Steve D.
S.H.T.F Now What?


What would you do if everything goes down? No power, no food, no water, no internet.

Your house is no longer safe. It’s time to leave.. What now?

In this course, you'll learn exactly what you need to do to survive the first critical 24 hours in the wilderness and ensure the safety of you and your family.

Gain Control: Having a plan in place gives you control over emergency situations.
Reduce Anxiety: Always knowing what to do helps you worry less in uncertain times.
Empower Yourself: Be prepared and feel empowered in any crisis.

Topics to be Covered:

Learn about the indispensable tools you need. Understand their multiple uses and how to maintain them.

Discover how to pack lightweight, high-calorie foods that don’t spoil easily.

.:: Shelter
Explore different shelter options and selecting the right system for your situation.

Knowing when to light a fire. Discover fire-starting techniques and making a covert fire that doesn’t draw attention.

We will also cover:
Escape and Evade Techniques.
Stealth Camping, location selection and setup.

Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to handle any emergency. Ensure your readiness for whatever comes your way!

During the meetup, the above topics will serve as focal points for our discussions with practical demonstrations. It will be an opportunity to exchange knowledge, share personal experiences, and foster a community of individuals passionate about self-reliance in the great outdoors.

The locations are selected to be as close to a “bug out” environment as possible.

Please wear suitable shoes for walking through the wilderness. We will not be hiking up any steep inclines but the vegetation will be thick (thorny) in places. Long trousers are preferable as well as any clothing that will not get snagged easily.
Be sure to apply sun cream and insect repellent. Also bring water along. We will be walking about a mile in total.

Please RSVP to secure your spot, as spaces are limited. Feel free to bring your favorite gear, tools, or stories to share with the group. We encourage a collaborative and friendly atmosphere where everyone can contribute to the collective wisdom of the community.

If you have any questions or special requests, don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to meeting you and creating memorable experiences together.

Photo of Survival Skills & Bushcraft (Warwickshire) group
Survival Skills & Bushcraft (Warwickshire)
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Rush Brooke Forest
Trinity Way Roundabout, · Stratford-Upon-Avon
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6 spots left