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What we’re about

Hello fellow Patriots. We have setup this page to help us unite people and groups within McHenry County that are standing up for our Constitutional Rights and taking action against Governmental Tyranny and the Communist agenda that we are seeing on all levels within our county.
This is happening on all levels:
First Responders
Illegal Immigration
(Please add your own in the comments)
The division this has caused even in our own families has got to end. This division has caused many of us to feel isolated and alone.
"We The People" Are Rising Up and Uniting
Let's use this group page to become a resource for all of us to use to connect with the many groups that have already formed within McHenry County.
Many have already taken Great Action in this Fight to combat the local Tyranny.
This page is meant to be used for local - verifiable - actionable efforts even leading up to the 2022 elections and how each one of us can make a difference.
This is only the beginning and certainly will continue to evolve as we progress and unite.
If you know of local people and groups that are with us on the front lines of God Fearing, Constitution Loving, Freedom for All Movement within McHenry County PLEASE INVITE THEM to join us so that we can begin to add links to their groups on our page.
There are many events, rallies, meetings and opportunities that we all need to be aware of so that we can further support each other and make our voices heard in LARGE Numbers.
Thank You for taking this stand with us "We The People of McHenry County"

Upcoming events (4+)

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