This meetup tour will feature
walking through the best of Shanghai’s picturesque Former French Concession which include Sinan Road, Fuxing Park,Sinan Mansion. It's a roughly 3 hours walking tour
Cost: RMB 18
Meeting time: 9:30 AM
Meeting point: Exit
1 of Huai hai Zhong lu Metro Station of line 13.
With tree-lined avenues, historic architecture and a quaint collection of shops and restaurants, Shanghai’s Former French Concession is the ideal place to step into the city’s past. Handsome villas perch along the promenade, while high-society ladies sip tea in the shade of linen-white gazebos. The charming scenery and slower pace make it an ideal destination to explore on foot.
Wander through beautiful Fuxing Park. Fuxing Park on Yandang Road,Designed by Papot, a French horticulturalist in 1909, the park maintains the French classic style, which is characterized by plaids and patterns. The construction of Fuxing Park combines French and Chinese layout styles. The north and central parts of the park focus on the French style and includes a carpet flower bed, central fountain pool and China rose flower bed. The southwest part of the park presents the Chinese style and includes a rockery, lotus pond, stream, winding path and lawn.
Sinan Road
Sinan Road is one of the best old streets in Shanghai to escape from the bustling city, with western style villas, small delicate shops and restaurants, in the shade of tall plane trees.
A Great Deal of Former Residences of Celebrities.
Those garden houses used to be residences for celebrities. Former Chinese premier Zhou Enlai has lived at No. 73 Sinan Road, which is a Spanish-style garden house. Moreover, Chinese Peking opera artist Mei Langfang and Chinese modern democratic revolutionaries Sun Yat-sen and his wife Soong Ching-ling also have lived in Sinan Road. These residences are still well preserved and can be visited.
Collegiate Church of St Nicholas, located in no. 16 in Gaolan Road,
has Been Adapted Into A Poetry Book Store. St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church at No. 16 Gaolan Road was built in 1932 in the typical Russian orthodox style with onion dome spires. Chinese practice Wutopia Lab has renovated the interiors of a former Russian orthodox church.
Set on a thoroughfare in Shanghai, China known for its well-preserved, European-style historical architecture, it turned the landmark building into a poetry bookshop named Sinan Books.
Sinan mansions, the only wholly preserved historical garden villa complex downtown. The mansions were initially built in 1920, featuring more than 50 historic villas in various styles. Many were former residences of celebrities such as poet Liu Yazi (1887-1958) and Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang (1894-1961). Some have been converted into hotels, cafes, restaurants and shops.
Each person who participates accepts responsibility for making their own determinations and for their own safety, conduct and well being; recognizes that
possible attend outdoor activities and agrees to participate solely at their own risk. The organizer of this city walk shall not be held liable for any inconvenience, accidents, rescues, injuries etc.
遇见城市部落Meetup Citywalk为带社交属性的公益活动,让大家在愉快轻松的氛围中用脚步丈量和认知这个城市。领队导游会对沿线的地标景观和历史建筑等做适度讲解,行程开始会有破冰互动和自我介绍,行程中安排小游戏,分组交谈互动,coffee break来加深了解, 帮内向的朋友放松融入团队,漫步活动结束视情况组织晚餐,增加大家的社交半径。活动参与者以8090后国内和海归名校毕业生,各行业精英为主。烦请带有不良企图和商业目的的参与者绕行!
在旧教堂里打造全上海最动人的书店 - 思南书局诗歌店 / Wutopia Lab
Wutopia Lab 以“Church in church”概念在上海历史建筑圣尼古拉斯教堂旧址里用45吨钢铁打造了旧教堂里的新书店——思南书局诗歌店。这是上海最大最全面的专业诗歌书店,提供1000册不同语言的诗集。诗歌店设计延续了Wutopia Lab基于对偶形成的一贯的魔幻现实主义风格:穿孔钢板,半透明,不确定的光线,色彩以及戏剧性的诗意。
思南路原名马斯南路(Rue Massenet),始筑于1914年。在1912年8月13日,法国一位著名音乐家Massener在巴黎去世。为纪念他,法租界公董局就将此路命名为Rue Massenet ——即马斯南路。
思南公馆是上海市中心唯一一个以成片花园洋房的保留保护为宗旨的项目,坐拥51栋历史悠久的花园洋房,已成为上海城中新奢地标。上海优秀历史建筑保护项目之一。思南公馆内坐拥51栋历史悠久的花园洋房,同时汇聚了独立式花园洋房、外廊式建筑、花园里弄等多种建筑样式 。·这里曾经是上海上流社会的汇聚之所,周恩来、柳亚子、梅兰芳等名流都曾在此居住。