What we’re about
We organize weeky walking tours at East Bank of Huangpu river, North Bund and Yangpu Riverfront section. Roughly 5 km walking of 2-3 hours tour to experience historical landscape coexists with newborn landmarks.
There are around 10-25 walkers each times. Most of the participants are in their 20's and 30's. We do welcome other age groups participants as long as you are healthy and can walk independently for around 5km.
Staring from Huangpu riverfront citywalk, we have added other tours including Historic Suzhou Creek walking, Tian’An 1000 trees tour along Suzhou Creek in Putuo, Former French settlements tours in Xuhui and Huangpu which are popular with our walkers.
In order to reduce plastic waste, we will stop providing Fluorescence Light Glow Bracelets for our evening waking tour, replaced by USB Rechargeable LED Bracelet Glow.
Please contact tour leader to order. RMB 20/ pc
都市徒步Meetup Citywalk为带社交属性的公益活动,让大家在愉快轻松的氛围中用脚步丈量和认知这个城市。领队导游会对沿线的地标景观和历史建筑等做适度讲解,行程开始会有破冰互动和自我介绍,行程中安排小游戏,分组交谈互动, coffee break来加深了解, 帮内向的朋友放松融入团队,漫步活动结束视情况组织晚餐,增加大家的社交半径。活动参与者以8090后国内和海归名校毕业生,各行业精英为主。烦请带有不良企图和商业目的的参与者绕行.
为了减少废弃塑料,即日起我们夜徒活动以后不再提供一次性荧光手环,只提供USB 充电款LED手环,需要的小伙伴可向领队订购。
10元/个 (女生)
20元/个 (男生)