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What we’re about

We are a group of dynamic retired or semi-retired women over 55 years of age. We live in the greater Sacramento area and are ready to star in the next stage of life. Our meetups take place from Lodi to Rocklin, from Davis to Placerville, and every place in between. We are looking for women with positive attitudes willing to contribute to their own growth and success as well as that of the community. We are interested in maintaining strong minds and bodies. We believe in moving forward and giving back. Most of our activities take place weekdays, and some will include spouses and SO's. Please note that we strive to maintain a “drama-free” environment.

We are always looking for help, so email the leadership team if you are interested in hosting events. Due to size and liability issues we do not permit members to bring guests to events held in private homes or to events limited in number.

•  Annual Membership Dues Required: $5. Dues payment required within 30 days of joining. Meetup charges for the right to post our events. We use these funds to pay fees, provide paper products at our potluck events, and host an annual anniversary party. No refunds are offered.

•  Many of our events require payment in advance. It is not required but is strongly encouraged and preferred that payment be made using electronic means, such as PayPal, Venmo, etc.

•  All members must post a profile picture (headshot) of themselves and have a valid email address within 30 days of joining. A picture of you must be posted in order to attend your first event with this group. We are often opening our homes to our members. This is a safety issue for those who do so and for those who attend. Please let us know if there is an issue of personal security that prevents you from doing this. We are happy to accommodate.

•  Members often would like to share rides to events. It is up to the person(s) looking for a ride to obtain one. We are unable to offer carpools to our members due to liability issues. When securing a ride with another member, it is the rider’s responsibility to require adequate car insurance, safety of vehicle, and competence of driver. Any monetary contributions are to be arranged between the driver and the rider. WSW and its members assume no responsibility in the event of accident or injury.

Attendance: Any individual with (3) “no shows” (includes canceling the morning of the event) or a history of “late bail outs” (canceling the day/night before the event) will have future RSVPs removed and be placed on a waitlist to allow members in good standing to attend. Those who get moved from the waitlist the morning of an event and do not attend will also be charged a “no show.” Those with 5 late bail outs will be removed from the group. We have a firm 10-minute wait rule for events. Those who RSVP and are late may be left behind. It is your responsibility to take care and manage your own RSVPs – including your place on a waitlist. This means changing your RSVP to “no” when you are unable to attend an event so that those on the waitlist above you are able to move up.

•  The organizers reserve the right to remove anyone from the group who violates these rules, does not fit the parameters of our group, has not paid dues, has a negative impact on the group, or endangers the safety and security of our members. This is a group for retired women and not a dating site.

•  This group does not support promotion of any kind, including marketing, products, or people. Any postings or actions of this type will be removed along with the person who posted it.

•  We love our pets – at home! Due to allergies and liability issues, please do not bring pets to events. Please know that many of our members who host events in their homes do have pets. It is your responsibility to inquire if you have issues with pets.

•  Don’t forget to check out our Facebook Group page at Well-Seasoned Women | Facebook.

•  If you owe dues and haven't visited our group in over 6 months, you will be automatically removed from the group.

By joining Well-Seasoned Women, you automatically agree to the terms of this release. This agreement releases Well-Seasoned Women (WSW) from all liability relating to injuries that may occur {during activity, on location, at members’ homes, etc. By joining, I agree to hold WSW and all associated parties entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence.

I also acknowledge the risks involved in scheduled meetups. These include but are not limited to hiking, wine tasting, volunteering, cooking, swimming, working out. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity.

By joining this group, I forfeit all right to bring a suit against Well-Seasoned Women for any reason. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification, if needed.

If you owe dues and haven't visited the group on the web for over 6 months, you will be automatically dropped from the group. However, you may reapply to join. If you have paid dues but have been inactive in the group for six months or longer, you may be removed if there is a waitlist of women wanting to join us.

The easiest way to pay your $5 dues is by using Venmo: @Mary-Riley-98 (last 4 digits of phone number: 1574). In the note, please put WSW dues from (your Meetup name).