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What we’re about

Quizzers gonna quiz, quiz, quiz!

Come to The Balcony at Soi 4 on the first Monday each month for a lively and challenging pub quiz trivia night!

A perfect location and quiz for casual friends, casual drinks, and casual innuendo. Enjoy your Quizmaster hosting and be open to LGBTQ+ categories.

We start promptly at 7:30 pm and end 9:30.
Prizes include drink vouchers up to 500baht, with a special jackpot round for even more!

No registration necessary, just turn up on the night to turn it out
Maximum team size is 4, but we tell ourselves size doesn't matter, so we are happy if you are happy! If you happen to be bigger, we enjoy that too, but beware of penalties.


Upcoming events (1)

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