Welcome to (potentially!) your first Werewolf event! It’s great you’re here, and we’d love to meet you.
Please read and ensure you understand the following Key Points before signing up:
- Please be on time; if that’s not possible, keep us updated on when you’ll likely arrive. It’s much harder for us to smoothly deal with unexpectedly late arrivals.
- If you find you cannot attend, please update your RSVP to NOT GOING as soon as possible. It takes a lot of planning on the Organisers’ side, and last-minute dropouts — or even worse, no shows (boo!) — make things much more infuriating for everyone, especially those on the waitlist.
- We cannot be responsible for the health of those attending — if you’re feeling unwell, please update to NOT GOING for the sake of everyone.
- All first timers will get a ~15-minute introduction to the game. You’ll be playing with fellow beginners, and we can answer any questions you have as the game progresses.
- We tend to play 2–3 games per session; you don’t have to stay until the end, but everyone appreciates you being able to stay until the end of the current game before leaving!
- We’d appreciate it if everyone buys a drink or two, and considers eating their evening meal at the café. They support us by hosting us, so it’s great to support them back!
- Regular attendees wishing to try their hand at moderating should let an Organiser know beforehand, this is a great session to give it a shot!