Westchester Area RPG Society (WARS) Monthly Meeting
The purpose of the meetup is to chat about RPG stuff, play RPGs together whenever possible, and give Gamemsasters and Players a way to informally meet and greet each other, talk about RPG stuff, and help to facilitate introducing players to games in the area. If you are a GM with open slots at your table this would be a good venue to meet perspective new players. Just post a RSVP and tell the group a little bit about your game so players can get an idea of what you're up to.
Or feel free to drop in and chat about D&Dish stuff. If you are interested in alternative RPGs like some Indie Games or Traveler, or whatever version of D&D from Edition 1 onward, feel free to drop in. We're open to any RPG type games.
I'll try to remember to have a sign up stating that this is us which will say "Westchester Area RPG Society (WARS)!!", but do look around for us ... Modern Myths is not a huge store, and we generally will be sitting at the tables in the back of the store.
Also, please note - a minimum of three members need to RSVP 24 hours in advance for us to hold the meeting. Otherwise the meeting is postponed until next time. I also encourage members to spark up interest by expressing your RPG interests in your RSVP and encouraging others to attend the meeting as well.
:) Mark
Every 1st Monday of the month
Westchester Area RPG Society (WARS) Monthly Meeting