What we’re about
Love mysteries? Join up with other mystery book lovers to meet and discuss a different book each month. We meet on the fourth Saturday of the month at 10:30 am. We are having Videoconference meetings until further notice.
Videoconference Software: Zoom (please install it)
Room Name: 623 247 1227
Attendance Guidelines
Our attendance guidelines are few and simple, but we appreciate your cooperation.
• Please attend your first meeting/discussion within the first three (3) months after joining. If you can't attend within three months, we will drop your membership and you are welcome to rejoin when your schedule permits.
• To maintain your membership, you have to attend three (3) meetings/discussions in a 12-month period from the time you join. As above, if you cannot attend four times in a year, we will drop your membership and you can rejoin at a later date.
• Please RSVP for the meetings you plan to attend. This lets us know who and how many to expect..
IMPORTANT! If you RSVP "Yes" and then cannot attend, please go to our Meetup page and change your RSVP. If you do not change it, you will be considered a "No-Show." Two No-Shows will result in your membership being dropped.
• Meeting time is 10:30 am. So please try to be prompt and have consideration for the other members.
And that's it!