What we’re about
Gays & Board Games! Want to meet new LGBT+ friends and allies while having a great time? As a kind of an "anti" social media movement, people are getting off their phones and meeting new friends to escape for a few hours playing board games! Gaming has come a long way since Monopoly and we’ll play the latest and greatest games (there are great ones coming out every month), and meet “the locals.” We currently meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 6:30 pm at Olympus Cards and Games in Villa Rica Please tell your friends - the more the merrier. Members are welcome to arrive at any time (even a little early), as there often will be multiple games played during the night. This is YOUR group so please input and help us build it. Can’t wait to meet you guys.
House rules: No politics or religion! Don't be drunk or too high. Please limit the use of smartphones if possible! This is about connecting with people in person - be present.
Also, find us on Facebook.