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Our Practice is Zazen: seated meditation; working with the body breath & mind!

Photo of Russ Michel
Hosted By
Russ M.


Because of the coronavirus, we will sit together using a virtual meeting service called Zoom.

Use your web browser to go to this address:

If you already have Zoom installed on your computer,
you can go to this Meeting ID:
122 286 388
Some hints on sitting via ZOOM.

To attend this virtual meeting, you need to:
Create a meditation space where you can sit quietly during the ceremony.
Set up a laptop computer or smartphone, with a camera, facing you as you sit.
If you can, put the computer or smart phone on a chair or stool so the camera is at eye level. That way, you will be looking directly at everyone, instead of towering over them.

That's all there is to it!

We will start at 7:15 PM tonight, to give us time to work out kinks before the official ceremony begins at 7:30 PM.

I will be available starting at 7:00 pm tonight, for anyone who wants to try this out before the ceremony begins at 7:30 PM.
Some additional notes (only if you're interested):

There will be a separate "meeting room" for Daisan (a brief meeting with the teacher). If you want to attend Daisan, click the Raise Hand icon on the bottom left of your Zoom window. When the teacher is available, you will be transferred automatically to the Daisan room. When you are finished meeting with the teacher, lower your hand by clicking the Raise Hand icon again, and you will be transferred back to the main room.


You can contact me to ask a question, by clicking the Chat Icon at the bottom of your screen

If your microphone or speaker aren't working properly, try clicking on the up-arrow ^ next to the microphone icon in the lower left corner of your screen. This will show you which speakers/microphones are available on your system, and which ones you are using. Problems can often be solved by changing the microphone hand/or speaker.

If you have audio problems that affect the rest of the group (for example, there is loud background noise where you are sitting), we will turn off your audio. If this happens, you will see a red line through the microphone icon in the lower left corner of your screen. You can unmute yourself by clicking on the microphone icon.

There will be no focusing tonight, as we learn how to use this new system.

Our Practice is Zazen: seated meditation involves working with the body, breath, and mind: entering into deep silence and stillness, opening to a fresh awareness. It opens the eye to wisdom and the heart to compassion. Our practice emphasizes the practice of zazen, recognizing it as a way for people to deepen their insight of their true self... To Awaken!

Photo of White Plains Zen Meditation group
White Plains Zen Meditation
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St. Bartholomew's Church
82 Prospect St · White Plains, NY
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