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What we’re about

Are you new to the Pagan world or have been around a while? Come join us at The BAM Community Center for fun, laughs, and fellowship! We welcome Witches, Wiccans, Asatru, Druids, Shamans, Energy Workers, Solitary Practitioners, and anyone curious!!

We will be having some Wicca 101 classes, a Magic Brew Class (with essential oils), and many other exciting events. Most events will have a very small fee but you will get to take something home. We are also the founders of the Space Coast Pagan pride Day and the website Craft and Coven!

We will meet at The BAM Community Center in Palm Bay, where I am a founding member.

If you bring a camera to any of our events, we ask that you get permission from those in attendance before including them in photos or posting photos. Thank you.