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Women's Wilderness Weekend: Modern to Primitive Survival Skills

Photo of Wildcard Wilderness
Hosted By
Wildcard W.
Women's Wilderness Weekend: Modern to Primitive Survival Skills


Beginner/Moderate Level

Jacks Genega from Wildcard Wilderness Survival
Phillip Liebel (Alone: The Beast) from Primitive Wilderness Survival

Prairie Haven Texas; Graham Texas

Women’s Wilderness Weekend: Modern to Primitive Skills is a course directed towards women of all ages to encourage more female participation in the field of wilderness survival. Students from all skill levels are welcome and no experience is required. Whether you are a proclaimed survivalist, a weekend bushcrafter, a homesteader, an ultralight hiker, or just a general everyday “wild woman,” this class is designed to promote a sense of community through our shared love of nature. Together we will build skills that promote confidence within ourselves and out in the “wild unknown.”

Day 1 we will learn to take care of our immediate needs in wilderness survival as we discuss knife safety, fire, shelter, and water procurement with the use of modern tools. Day 2 we will learn how to replace our kit-based items as we return to the landscape to build fire by friction, create a cutting edge, and make various tools that aid in the transition from surviving to thriving. Other topics will include safety and the “survival mentality” as we learn to push past fears and unlock deep connections with nature. This class is for participants who desire to both learn and grow, as well as how to develop a sense of resilience through self-reliance in both community and as individuals in the wild.

Learn how to take care of your immediate needs in an emergency situation
Learn how to properly use a knife and saw to avoid injury
Signaling for rescue with the use of your kit and modern tools such as a Personal Locator Beacon
Make fire with various ignitions from modern to primitive using your ferro rod, magnifying lens, bow-drill and hand-drill
Learn how to positively identify plants and trees that aid in fire, tool construction, and medicine as we go on a woodland walk to collect resources
Shelter construction from your kit and off the forest floor
Learn how to make cordage and rope with jute twine
Create a cutting edge from your environment
Discover various techniques in food procurement and campfire cooking
Discussion on how to maintain good hygiene in a wilderness setting
Learn self-defense techniques as a last resort should a predatory situation arise
Acquire simple navigation techniques without the use of a compass
Develop deep connections with the self, others, and nature

Fixed Blade Knife with Sheath (4” min blade length)
Folding Saw (Silky is recommended)
Ferro Rod with Striker
1 x Magnifying Lens,
1 x Stainless Steel Container with an Enclosed Lid (Altoids tin will work fine)
1 x Small Stainless Steel Cup or Pot for Boiling Water
2 x 100% Cotton Bandana
1 x Roll of Jute Twine (100 ft min)
1 x 4x4 ft Utility Cloth

Sleep System (Tent/Hammock)
Headlamp with Spare Batteries
Proper Clothing for Season and Weather
Leather Gloves
Cookware for personal meals
water container
Hygiene items and Medications
Notebooks and Pencils
Combination Tool like a Leatherman or SAK
Cargo Tape for Repair

Instructor is Wilderness First Aid certified and a licensed HAM Radio operator (KE8WHY)
Students MUST supply their own water
Be prepared for All Weather as this class is in an outdoor setting
No Meals are provided so students must bring their own food and snacks. A 90-minute lunch break is given should students wish to cook their meal or leave the property
There are NO bathrooms on site
Students are not required to stay on site after class hours however it is encouraged to develop connections around a central fire
Students can tent camp or hammock camp, however, space is limited for hammocks
Firearms are not permitted in the classroom
Alcohol and drug use are not permitted during class hours
Students accept all liability for personal injury

Tickets must be purchased at

COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be outdoor
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of Wildcard Wilderness Survival: South Central group
Wildcard Wilderness Survival: South Central
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