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What we’re about

Writing and consistency are hard; life always seems to get in the way.
So this is a weekly low-stakes, low-judgement group to get into the habit of taking small steps towards the “big” (often scary) goals.

Ideally, it will be a space for kind but honest criticism on work, followed by some time to do the actual writing bit.

A rough meeting structure —

• 15mins: Catching up, checking in, just generally being humans.

• 45mins: Critique Session.
— Members who have work to share send it to the group up to 2 days before the meeting, so that everyone can have a read beforehand
— Critiques are guided by questions so that writers get concrete, workable feedback rather than just open-ended thoughts.

• 30-45 mins: Writing
— Built-in, but ultimately optional, time to write and/or brainstorm.

No idea-stealing (obviously) and absolutely no entitled/self-important assholery