What is Stamtish?
"Stamtish" is inspired by a German word Stammtisch meaning "stem table" or "regular's table". At Stamtish, people meet each Thursday to chat, have drinks mingle with friends. It's a space to welcome and celebrate culture and language.
What languages do you speak there?
We speak mostly English. Though we are known to speak other languages. Spanish, French, American Sign Language, German, Hindi, Italian, Arabic, Esperanto are just a few of the languages you'll find here.
Do you ever speak other languages?
If there are enough people who fluently speak the language often groups of languages will breakout.
Do you have to be fluent in more than one language?
No. This event is more about causal conversation and a chance to meet new people.
Do you have to be there every week? Do I have to be there at 7:30pm?
No. Feel free to drop in when you feel like it and at whatever time you like. Some people show up early each week and others are there once a month.
If that sounds good to you then please RSVP and we will see you there.
Please purchase something at the location to help support local businesses.